On 25.05.2018, the so-called General Data Protection Regulation came into force in Germany. This makes it necessary to issue the following terms of use and the attached data protection declaration. Please read the following statements completely and carefully. The (further) use of our information offer is dependent on your acceptance of the established terms of use and the associated procedure regarding the collection and processing of personal data. By staying on our website for information purposes, you accept our terms of use and the procedure regarding the collection and processing of data by conclusive behavior. If you are willing to do so, you may continue to use the website. However, if you are not willing to do so, prohibited.

The purpose of the data protection policy is to give you a clear idea of when, why and in what way we and the designated Internet service providers collect and use your personal data, and to explain the rights to which you are entitled. Only if you have fully understood and accept the procedure described therein with regard to the collection and processing of your personal data, do we consent to your further use of our information service.

If, on the other hand, you do not fully grasp and/or do not agree with the procedure described in the Privacy Policy, we must politely, but for reasons of strict data protection also firmly, request that you immediately interrupt any use of our services offered on the website and leave our website immediately. The free and freely accessible contents of this website have been created with the greatest possible care. However, the provider of this website does not guarantee the accuracy and timeliness of the provided free and freely accessible journalistic guides and news. The use of this website content is at your own risk. Calling up this free and freely accessible content alone does not establish any contractual relationship between the user and the provider; in this respect, the provider’s intention to be legally bound is lacking. The website contains links to other websites („external links“). These websites are subject to the liability of the respective site operators. At the time of linking the external links, no legal violations were apparent. The provider has no influence on the current and future design of the linked pages. The permanent review of external links is not reasonable for the provider without concrete evidence of legal violations. If legal violations become known, the external links concerned will be deleted immediately.

The content published on this website by the provider is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright law. Any use not permitted by German copyright and ancillary copyright law requires the prior written consent of the provider or the respective rights holder. This applies in particular to copying, editing, translating, storing, processing or reproducing content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Contents and rights of third parties are marked as such. Unauthorized copying of the website content or the entire website is not permitted and is punishable by law. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted.

This website may not be displayed by third parties in frames or iFrames without written permission.

Our services are not intended for children under the age of 18. Persons under the age of 18 are therefore prohibited from providing personal information to us through any of our services. Parents and guardians should always supervise the activities of their children.

The responsible party within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation („GDPR“) is:


Goldbacher Straße 14

63739 Aschaffenburg


E-Mail: mail@schwarzenberg-group.de

HRB-Nr.: 15662 Registergericht  Aschaffenburg

Represented by the management:  Carmen Seeber



Carmen Seeber

Goldbacher Straße 14

63739 Aschaffenburg

E-Mail: c.seeber@schwarzenberg-group.de


  1. Privacy policy
    Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our offers. The protection of your personal data is an important concern for us. In this data protection information, we explain how we collect your personal data, what we do with it, for what purposes and on what legal basis this is done, and what rights and claims are associated with it for you.In addition, we refer to the SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH Privacy Policy: Our privacy notice for the use of our websites and the SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH Privacy Policy do not apply to your activities on the websites of social networks or other providers that you can reach via the links on our websites. Please inform yourself on the websites of these providers about their privacy policies.
  2. Collection and processing of your personal data
    When you visit our websites, we store certain information about the browser and operating system you use, the date and time of the visit, the access status (e.g. whether you were able to access a web page or received an error message), the use of web page functions, the search terms you may have entered, the frequency with which you access individual web pages, the name of files accessed, the amount of data transferred, the web page from which you accessed our web pages, and the web page you visit from our web pages, whether by clicking on links on our web pages or by entering a domain directly in the input field of the same tab (or window) of your browser in which you opened our web pages. In addition, we store your IP address and the name of your Internet service provider for a period of seven days for security reasons, in particular to prevent and detect attacks on our websites or fraud attempts.We only store other personal data if you provide us with this data, for example, as part of a registration, a contact form, a survey, a competition or for the performance of a contract, and even in these cases only to the extent that we are permitted to do so on the basis of consent given by you or in accordance with the applicable legal provisions (for more information, see the section „Legal basis for processing“ below).You are under no legal or contractual obligation to provide your personal data. However, it is possible that certain functions of our websites depend on you providing personal data. If you do not provide personal data in these cases, this may result in functions not being available or only being available to a limited extent.
  3. Use of our contact form
    If you have any questions, we offer you the opportunity to contact us using a form provided on the website. In doing so, it is necessary to provide a valid e-mail address together with title, first and last name, so that we know from whom the request originates and so that we can answer it. Further information can be provided voluntarily.

The processing of this personal data and data collected solely on the basis of your own input for the purpose of contacting us is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. a DSGVO on the basis of your consent given voluntarily by using the contact form. On the page where the contact form can be found, we provide the notice that its use requires consent for data collection and processing, which must be confirmed accordingly.

The personal data collected by us for the use of the contact form will be automatically deleted after completion of your request.

Purpose of use

We use the personal data collected during a visit to our websites in order to operate them as conveniently as possible for you and to protect our IT systems from attacks and other illegal activities.

Insofar as you provide us with further personal data, e.g. as part of a registration, a contact form, a survey, a competition or for the performance of a contract, we use this data for the aforementioned purposes, for customer administration purposes and – insofar as necessary – for the purposes of processing and billing any business transactions, in each case to the extent required for this purpose. Transfer of personal data to third parties; social plug-ins. Our websites may also contain third-party offers. If you click on such an offer, we will transfer data to the respective provider to the extent necessary (e.g., the information that you found this offer with us and, if applicable, further information that you have already provided for this purpose on our websites).

If we use so-called „social plug-ins“ of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ on our websites, we integrate them as follows:

When you visit our websites, the social plug-ins are deactivated, i.e. no transmission of any data to the operators of these networks takes place. If you wish to use one of the networks, click on the respective social plug-in to establish a direct connection with the server of the respective network.

If you have a user account with the network and are logged in there at the moment of activating the social plug-in, the network can assign your visit to our websites to your user account. If you would like to avoid this, please log out of the network before activating the social plug-in. The visit of other SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH. Websites cannot be assigned by a social network until you have also activated a social plug-in present there.

If you activate a social plug-in, the network transmits the content that becomes available as a result directly to your browser, which integrates it into our web pages. In this situation, data transfers may also take place that are initiated and controlled by the respective social network. Your connection to a social network, the data transfers that take place between the network and your system, and your interactions on this platform are governed exclusively by the privacy policy of the respective network.

Social plug-in
The social plug-in remains active until you deactivate it or delete your cookies. When you click on the link to an offer or activate a social plug-in, personal data may be transferred to providers in countries outside the European Economic Area that, from the perspective of the European Union („EU“), do not ensure an „adequate level of protection“ for the processing of personal data in line with EU standards. Please consider this circumstance before clicking on a link or activating a social plug-in and thereby triggering a transfer of your data.

Evaluation of usage data; use of analysis tools

We would like to tailor the content of our web pages as precisely as possible to your interests and in this way improve our offer for you. To identify usage preferences and particularly popular areas of the websites, we use the following analysis tool(s): Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics.

When using these analysis tools, data may be transferred to servers located in the USA and processed there. Please note the following: In the USA, from the perspective of the European Union, there is no „adequate level of protection“ for the processing of personal data corresponding to EU standards. However, this level of protection can be replaced for individual companies by certification under the so-called „EU-U.S. Privacy Shield“. If you do not want us to collect and evaluate information about your visit to our websites using the aforementioned analysis tools, you can object to this at any time for the future („opt-out“). We implement your objection by setting an opt-out cookie in your browser. This cookie is only used to assign your objection. Please note that for technical reasons, an opt-out cookie is only effective in the browser in which it was set. If you delete the cookies or use a different browser or terminal device, please perform the opt-out again.

Below you will find information on the providers of the analysis tools we use and the respective opt-out option:

Google Inc. („Google“):

Google is certified under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.

You can prevent the transfer of your data and its collection and processing by Google. Google informs about this via the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.

Adobe Systems Inc. („Adobe“)

Adobe is certified under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.

To object to analysis by the Adobe Analytics product, you can follow this link: http://www.adobe.com/de/privacy/opt-out.html.

Usage-based information (targeting and retargeting)

In order to tailor our online marketing (e.g. banner advertising) on the websites of our retargeting partners (Flashtalking, Google Adwords, Google Doubleclick and Vivaki) more specifically to your needs and interests, we use so-called retargeting technologies. In this process, your interest in our products and services is stored in cookies. These cookies are read when you visit other websites that work with our retargeting partners and used to provide you with information that is as relevant to your interests as possible. This is done anonymously, i.e. you cannot be identified via retargeting.

If you do not want SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH and its retargeting partners to collect, store and analyze information about your visit and to tailor banner advertising to your interests, you can object to this at any time for the future (opt-out).

For the technical implementation of this objection, an opt-out cookie is set in your browser. This cookie is used exclusively to assign your objection. Please note that for technical reasons, an opt-out cookie can only be used for the browser from which it was set. If you delete the cookies or use a different browser or terminal device, please perform the opt-out again.

  1. SecurityWe use technical and organizational security measures to protect the data we have under our control against manipulation, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons. We continuously improve our security measures in line with technological developments.Legal basis for processingIf you have given us your consent for the processing of your personal data, this constituted the legal basis for the processing (Article 6 (1) (a) DSGVO).For a processing of personal data for the purpose of initiating or fulfilling a contract with you, Art. 6 (1) letter b DSGVO is the legal basis.Insofar as the processing of your personal data is necessary for the fulfillment of our legal obligations (e.g. for data retention), we are authorized to do so pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c DSGVO.

    We also process personal data for the purposes of safeguarding our legitimate interests as well as the legitimate interests of third parties pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. Maintaining the functionality of our IT systems, but also the marketing of our own and third-party products and services and the legally required documentation of business contacts are such legitimate interests.

Deletion of your personal data

We delete your IP address and the name of your Internet service provider, which we only store for security reasons, after seven days. Otherwise, we delete your personal data as soon as the purpose for which we collected and processed the data no longer applies. Beyond this point in time, data will only be stored if this is required by the laws, regulations or other legal provisions of the European Union or a member state of the European Union to which we are subject.

Data subject rights

As a person affected by data processing, you have the right to information (Art. 15 DSGVO), correction (Art. 16 DSGVO), data erasure (Art. 17 DSGVO), restriction of processing (Art. 18 DSGVO) and data portability (Art. 20 DSGVO).

If you have consented to the processing of your personal data by us, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. The lawfulness of the processing of your personal data until a revocation is not affected by the revocation. Likewise, further processing of this data on the basis of another legal basis, such as for the fulfillment of legal obligations (see section „Legal bases of processing“), remains unaffected.

Right of objection
You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you which is carried out on the basis of Article 6(1)(e) DSGVO (data processing in the public interest) or Article 6(1)(f) DSGVO (data processing on the basis of a balance of interests). If you object, we will only continue to process your personal data insofar as we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for doing so that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or insofar as the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

We kindly ask you to address your claims or explanations to the following contact address, if possible: mail@schwarzenberg-group.de.

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates legal requirements, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent data protection supervisory authority (Art. 77 DSGVO).

If you subscribe to a newsletter offered on our website, the data provided during the newsletter registration will only be used for sending the newsletter, unless you agree to further use. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe option provided in the newsletter.

Central Access Service of SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH

The central access service of SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH allows you to log in to all websites and applications of SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH and its brands connected to this service.

Information on the cookies we use and their functions can be found in our cookie notes below. Information on the use of cookies as well as the evaluation of usage data and the use of analysis tools.

We use cookies and similar software tools such as HTML5 Storage or Local Shared Objects (collectively „cookies“) to recognize your usage interests and particularly popular areas of our websites and to use this information to improve the design of the websites and make them even more user-friendly. For the same purposes, we use the analytics tools Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics; these may also use cookies.

  1. Functions and use of cookies
    Cookies are small files that are stored on your desktop, notebook or mobile device by a website you visit. From these, we can see, for example, whether there has already been a connection between your device and our websites, or which language or other settings you prefer. Cookies can also contain personal data.


    If you use our websites, you agree to the use of cookies.

    You can also visit our websites without agreeing to the use of cookies. I.e. you can reject the use and also delete cookies at any time by making the appropriate settings on your device. This is done as follows:

    Most browsers are preset to automatically accept cookies. You can change this default setting by activating the setting *Do not accept cookies* in your browser.

    You can delete existing cookies at any time. You can find out how to do this in detail in the instructions provided by your browser or device manufacturer.


    Information on deactivating Local Shared Objects can be found under the following link:

    Information on deactivating Local Shared Objects.

    Like the use of cookies, their rejection or deletion is also linked to the device used and also to the browser used in each case. You must therefore reject or delete the cookies for each of your devices and, if you use several browsers, also for each browser separately.

    If you decide against the use of cookies, it is possible that not all functions of our websites or individual functions will only be available to you to a limited extent.

    We divide cookies into the following categories:

    Absolutely necessary cookies (type 1)

    These cookies are absolutely necessary for the functions of the websites. Without these cookies, we would not be able to offer you some services.

    Functional cookies (type 2)
    These cookies make the websites easier to use and improve their functions. For example, we store your language settings in function cookies.

    Performance cookies (type 3)

    These cookies collect information about how you use our websites. This enables us to recognise which parts of our website are particularly popular and in this way improve our services for you. Please also read the section „Analysis of usage data“.

    Third-party cookies (type 4)

    These cookies are set by third parties, e.g. social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+, whose content you can integrate via the „social plug-ins“ offered on our websites. Further information on the use and function of social plug-ins can be found in section 4 of our data protection information.

    Evaluation of usage data; use of analysis tools

    We would like to tailor the content of our websites as precisely as possible to your interests and in this way improve our services for you. In order to identify usage preferences and particularly popular areas of the websites, we use the following analysis tool(s): Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics.

    When using these analysis tools, data may be transferred to servers located in the USA and processed there. Please note the following: From the perspective of the European Union, there is no „adequate level of protection“ for the processing of personal data in the USA that corresponds to EU standards. However, this level of protection can be replaced for individual companies by certification under the so-called „EU-U.S. Privacy Shield“. If you do not want us to collect and evaluate information about your visit to our websites using the aforementioned analysis tools, you can object to this at any time for the future („opt-out“). We implement your objection by setting an opt-out cookie in your browser. This cookie is only used to assign your objection. Please note that for technical reasons, an opt-out cookie only works in the browser in which it was set. If you delete the cookies or use a different browser or end device, please carry out the opt-out again. Below you will find information on the providers of the analysis tools we use and the respective opt-out option:

    Google Inc („Google“):

    Google is certified under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.

    You can prevent the transfer of your data and its collection and processing by Google. Google provides information on this via the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.

    Adobe Systems Inc („Adobe“).

    Adobe is certified under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.

    To object to analysis by the Adobe Analytics product, you can follow this link: http://www.adobe.com/de/privacy/opt-out.html.

    We use the following cookies on our website:


_it, _pr (type 1)
When logging in, this cookie stores user profile data in encrypted form in order to maintain the login status.


_slt (soft login token, type 1)
This cookie stores non-sensitive user profile data to personalise the website when not logged in.


These cookies are set by Google Maps in order to display our address search on the map.


pgid; sid (type1)
These cookies assign an anonymised ID (session ID) to your device for the duration of your visit in order to display personalised content (e.g. recently viewed products).


JSESSIONID (type 1, type 4)
This cookie is set by an external server that provides map data. It stores the session ID, which bundles several related requests to the server and assigns them to a session.


JSVERA (type 1)
This cookie is used to display personalised content (e.g. search results) and to cache data entered by the user in the booking request/registration process for training.


ARPT (Type 2)
In order to guarantee every user a trouble-free use of the SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH internet pages, we use several servers for load distribution. This cookie stores the assignment of a user to one of these servers.


cookiePolicy (type 2)
This cookie indicates that you agree to the use of cookies on our pages. It is set when you close the Cookies Usage notice layer.


ShopStartLinkOutlet* (type 2)
This cookie defines the destination page that can be reached via the Start link.


unit (type 2)
Our website contains information about all products and services of SCHWARZENBERG REAL ESTATE GmbH. This cookie stores the section you last visited. With the help of this information, we can direct you to the product pages that are of interest to you on your next visit.


rcc-cookiePolicyConfirmation (Type 2)
This cookie indicates that you agree to the use of cookies on our pages.


HighBandwidth, $ms_externalFlash (type 3).
These cookies contain information about which version of the Adobe Flash Player is installed on a terminal device and which bandwidth is available. This enables us to offer multimedia content according to your individual system requirements and avoid long loading times.


_lgin, lastUrl, s_*, s_cc, s_cpc, s_evar_34, s_evar_35, s_fid, s_getval_2, s_ria, s_sq, s_sq, s_sv_sid, s_vi, s_invisit, s_nr, s_vnum, amcv_, ADRUM, gapv_c62, s_ppv/s_ppvi (type 3)
These cookies store information about how visitors use our website, and in this way help us to continually develop our website according to your interests.


psyma_participation (type 3)
In order to improve our website, we regularly conduct online surveys about the quality of our pages and the information we offer. This cookie indicates whether a user has accepted or declined the invitation to participate in the survey.


s_cc (type 3)
This cookie indicates that cookies are enabled in your browser.


session (type3)
This cookie prevents the repeated display of the welcome sequence on our homepage.


emb_chat_(type 2)
This cookie is used to restore the chat when the currently open browser window is reloaded or when you change pages. For this purpose, the current chat session as well as the position and the visibility state (minimised yes/no) of the chat are stored.


s_campaign, s_var_1 (type 3)
Stores the campaign parameter csref to avoid double counting – for the duration of the website visit.


omniture_optout (type 4)
These cookies store information about whether the visitor’s user behaviour may be evaluated.


rcc.*-cookiePolicyConfirmation (type 2)
This cookie indicates that you agree to the use of cookies on our pages.


cookiePolicy (type 2)
This cookie indicates that you consent to the use of cookies on our sites.


embccwf.bcm.storage.PersistenceIntegration.PROPERTY (type 2)
This cookie stores the configuration of an external interface.


uslk_s uslk_e (type 1)
The cookie uslk_s stores non-sensitive user profile data and, if applicable, contact data entered by the user in the chat. The cookie uslk_e stores the lifetime of the cookie uslk_s.


_st(login token, type 1)
This cookie stores non-sensitive user profile data to personalise the website when not logged in.


tr_id (type 3)
This cookie stores an anonymous user identifier to which your interest in products and services is recorded, so that we can inform you on the websites of our retargeting partners in a way that is as interest-related as possible.


tr_aasd (type 3)
Sync date with ActiveAgent

tr_gsd (type 3)
Sync date with DoubleClick


Status: 01.06.2020


Further information and contact

If you have any further questions on the subject of „data protection“, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can ask which of your data we have stored. In addition, you can send information, requests for deletion and correction of your data and suggestions at any time by e-mail or letter to the following addresses:




Goldbacher Street 14

63739 Aschaffenburg